Wyoming - Day 5
We had huge success filming Sharptail Grouse on one of Ron's secret leks. The perfect day, a light dusting of snow and lots of birds!
1:45 Mark talks about the weather and describes their set up in the field to photograph Sharp-tailed grouse
3:44 Michael shares how cool it was to photograph the Sharp-tailed grouse and how everything came together for them.
4:51 Ron describes the behavior of the sharp-tailed grouse vs. sage grouse and prairie chickens.
9:50 Michael talks about shooting slow motion at 8K,4k,6K, etc. and the crop capability without degrading the resolution .
18:00 Mark shares his excitement of the sunrise, vista and seeing some Pronghorn Antelope.
21:41 Mark describes an awesome backpack with a built in insulated turkey seat that came in so handy and made Ron and Michael vary envious of his comfort.
25:44 Michael brings up the advantage of time spent in field to perfect and refine your set up.
30:37 Ron explains how to be observant and to be able to catch the behaviors of the birds.
34:18 Ron describes the behavior of the grouse and what they go after when they fight another bird.
37:03 closing of podcast with website and social media contacts.