Day 6 - Canadian Rockies - with Luke Vander Vennen

Discussion with Luke Vander Vennen. Wildlife Biologist. Government of Alberta. Peace River,. Alberta.

Talked about Luke’s exciting and varied career path to become a wildlife biologist.

Discussed wolf, black bear, grizzly bear, caribou, and moose research that Luke has worked on.

Talked about the benefits of multi-agency cooperation (govt.,private, and public) on wildlife research.

Luke talks about a new app his peers developed to involve the public as Citizen Scientists:

GrizzTracker was developed in partnership with Peace Region's Operations Division staff, Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP) in collaboration with industrial stakeholders (Daishowa-Marubeni International Ltd., Boucher Bro Lumber Ltd., Canfor, Canadian Natural Resources Ltd., Manning Diversified Forest Products), Alberta Conservation Association and the Miistakis Institute to enable industrial personal working in the Lower Peace Region to collect sightings information on grizzly bears. The collaborative efforts of all parties to mobilize this work is truly a success in itself!